Huge contribution to the community – over 1000 freely available translation models

MeMAD translation models made in Helsinki are now integrated in Hugging Face transformers, the world’s most popular library for the workwith deep neural NLP models. They can be used by anyone and integrated in research, development and real-world applications making machine translation accessible without any dependence on commercial services and restricted terms and conditions. Language…

Deep learning for spoken language identification

Imagine that a tourist calls an emergency service speaking a foreign language. How to find a person that speaks the right language?  Or you have tons of multilingual television broadcasts in need of automatic translation or subtitling. Most current automatic speech recognition (ASR) and other language technology tools assume that the source language is known…

The MeMAD Knowledge Graph

In his book, “Weaving the Web”, Sir Tim Berners-Lee shared his vision about the future of his creation: “In an extreme view, the world can be seen as only connections, nothing else. We think of a dictionary as the repository of meaning, but it defines words only in terms of other words. I liked the…

Automatic metadata high up in the mountains

The European Broadcasting Union EBU’s annual Metadata Network MDN Workshop 2019 was organised in June 2019 in Geneva. It gathered 88 experts from different media companies, research institutes and vendor companies to share latest experiences and ideas related to metadata in the media business.  Thematically related to MeMAD, many broadcasters are already working on automatic…

The members of the MeMad consortium posing in front of the University of Surrey

Putting the user in the center

In September, the MeMAD project gathered in Surrey for the fifth plenary meeting. As we’re about half-way through the project, we drilled down to the most central use cases and continued planning of the evaluation process in the final 18 months of MeMAD. With all of the pieces of the puzzle coming together, it was…